Dreams are meant for sleeping - Del 132
After the paps took a picture of us holding hands in the park last week they’re on us like hawks! Every minute of every day.”
”So that’s why she hasn’t left the house since you two went grocery shopping!” Liam said. I could imagine a lighbulb pop up over his head.
”I think it’s getting to the point where it’s too much for her.”
”Yeah so do I. She almost ran through a wall when she saw something flash outside the window yesterday. Turned out it was the reflection of a cd hanging in the neighbour across the lawn’s pot of flowers out on their balcony. You know, to scare the birds away.” Liam rested his head in his hands and leaned his elbows on the table surface.
”I didn’t know it was that bad.” Zayn said anxious.
”She’s terrified.” I sighed. ”I don’t know how I’m supposed to handle this in the future. There will only be more cameras, more flashes and more hitting me in the face in her sleep because of the nightmares.”
”She does that?” Louis asked.
”So many times I’ve lost count. And I don’t think she even knows.”
”The only camera appering during the wedding will be the professional wedding photographer’s. And maybe our cellphones.” Niall smiled. ”The paparazzis won’t be getting anywhere near it.” The lads nodded in agreement.
”Thanks guys.” I gave them a quick cuddle and then I rose up from the couch.
”I can’t sit like that for any longer! I feel flat like a paper. We need a bigger couch.”
”We don’t have time to worry about the size of the sofa right now! You have to help us pick out a picture of you and Emma. I know you have loads on your computer.” Louis teased.
”You know, I have this photo I really like...” I left the living room as I talked. The lads got curious and followed me to my room where my laptop was located.
I clicked my way through files and folders, scrolled down to the bottom and squinted.
”It’s here somewhere.”
It took me a few minutes to find it. As Louis said, I had quite a few pictures on here. I chuckled. She despised the paparazzis but didn’t mind me taking photos at all.
”I found it!”
I opened it up. Emma’s bed covers made the background. Emma was extending her arm so the cellphone would capture us both on photo. She was smiling widely at the phone, the picture was practically taken right in the middle of a laugh. Her eyes sparkled and freckles showed. I was laying on my back, raised up on my elbows and laughing at the phone camera as well. My head was resting towards her arm. A strand of her brown wavy hair tickled me in the face. It was the first time I had been at Emma’s place, the day after the motorcycle accident, that didn’t happen but almost happened and could’ve ended very badly. It felt like ages ago, but I remember it better than what I had for breakfast this morning. She had texted me she was hungry and thanks to the insane crush I had on her I had decided to go over to her house, and ordered pizza on the way. When she saw me with the pizza carton in my hands she had grabbed it faster than I blink and also pulled me in head first through the door. I smiled at the flashback. Later that day her family had come home and she paniced and hid me in her room. It would’ve gone well if her baby brother hadn’t run in and spotted me.
”You’ve been staring out in thin air for like a minute.” Zayn laughed.
”Oh. Sorry.” I chuckled. ”This is the picture I want.”
”That picture it is!” Louis determined. ”Give me the laptop so I can photoshop that invite now.”
”Here you go.” I laughed and handed over the computer.
Fifteen minutes late Louis shouted ’done!’ from my bedroom and I rushed to observe the result.
”You suck.” Was the first thing I said.
”No I’m amazing!” Louis smiled and showed me the finished picture. ”Stop messing with me.”
”Okay fine that’s really good.”
It was actually. It was simple but it was more than enough. A cream white background with a subtle pattern around the edges. The picture of me and Emma was placed in the middle and a very nice font spelled out, ”You are invited to the Styles-Sand wedding the 13th of September, also known as Niall Horan’s birthday.”
”You just had to put in the fact it’s Niall’s birthday?” I sighed.
”Yes.” He smiled mischievious. ”I’m gonna run out and show the others!”
Louis grabbed the laptop in his hands, jumped of the bed and dissappeared through the door. Seconds later I heard the other lads praise him for his work. I smiled to myself. As long as we could keep the paparazzis away, the wedding would be perfect.Omg superbra kapitel ju, som vanligt då (:
JÄTTEBRAAAAAAA APAABRAAAA SNABELBRAAAA men cartoon är vän tecknat? Hehehhehheheh
You up for a länkbyte? c:
Isåfall kanj du väl typ, säga till, haha.
men kommentera ifall du är på det så länkbytar (that's not even a word) vi ! c:
Kram !
Jättebra! :D
AMAGD! hittade denna novellen idag och har sträckläst den ända tills nu! SKITBRA! har nog aldrig skrattat så mycket till en novell!
AMAGD! hittade denna novellen idag och har sträckläst den ända tills nu! SKITBRA! har nog aldrig skrattat så mycket till en novell!
såååå sjukt bra novell!!!! Love IT
och detta:
du äger.
:D :D :D :D :D :D
bara så du veeeeeeeeeeeeet
Läst om hela novellen 4 gången coh har inte trötnat (nu blir det en femte!!!!) kag har skrattat och gråtit jag juger inte!!!! om det med att gråta eller skatta fast det gör jag ju nästan till varje del
Detta är den första novellen som jag både har gråtit och skrattat så att jag själv har börjat undra vad nån hade sagt om nån såg mig just då xD
Men du är fantastiskt bra på att skriva och jag hade lätt kunnat tänka dig som en dansande författare ;)) Men seriöst du borde vara stolt över dig själv för att du gör så att vi har någonting att längta till varje dag! Du är AMAZING <3 Och det är faktist inte många som har orken att skriva 132 kapitel och mer så jag säger bara att även om jag inte känner dig så är jag på nått wierd sätt stolt över dig xD ;)) <3 Ps. Keep up the good work!