Dreams are meant for sleeping - Del 56

“God dammit...”
“Something wrong?”
The man noticed my disappointed face and lifted my chin up.
“She’s not picking up…”

“Oh a she? Who is this girl?”
I ended up telling the man the whole story about Emma. How we’d met, everything I loved about her, her shoe size, I tell you this man could listen for hours.
“Sounds like someone’s in looove...” He said teasingly. I blushed.
“Can I try again?” I asked. The man nodded. I dialed Emma’s number again.
“Hi it’s Emma.”
“Please don’t tell me I got to voice mail again...” I said to myself as I started to move the phone away from my ear to hang up again. Then I heard a loud scream piercing through the speaker.
I quickly put the cell back against my ear.
“You picked up!”
“Harry is that you?! LOUIS, ZAYN IT’S HARRY! She didn’t think of covering the mic as she shouted, so I might have caught a hearing disorder now.
“Emma, Emma listen!”
“Oh my god I can’t believe it’s really you Harry...” I could hear her sob a little. Happy tears I prayed.
“Emma you need to listen. I can’t remember the address of the hotel, you need to come and get me.”
“Of course Harry where are you?!”
“I…” I went quiet as I realized I didn’t know the name of my current location. I asked the man if he knew.
“Dusty Mountain Square” he answered.
“Dusty Mountain Square!” I repeated quickly into the phone.
“We’ll be there ASAP! Thank God you’re okay Harry don’t go anywhere!” She ended and hung up.
“Not planning to...” I answered stupidly even though the phone call was finished. I thanked the man for lending out his phone and then I went to a spot I think would be hard to miss when they arrived. I couldn’t wait to see Emma.

När jag svarade hördes röst i bakgrunden av andra änden av telefonsamtalet. Det lät som om den var på väg bort från mobilens mikrofon. Men vänta, jag kände igen den där rösten.
Mina ögon spärrades upp och jag vände mig mot Louis och Zayn som gick en bit framför mig.
”Harry is that you?!” Jag tittade chockad på killarna som bara fortsatte gå.” LOUIS, ZAYN IT’S HARRY!”
Båda frös mitt i steget och vände sig om så snabbt att jag nästan blev yr. De kom springandes mot mig och omringade mig från varsitt håll, försökte sitt hårdaste för att höra vad Harry sa i luren.
”Oh my god I can’t believe it’s really you Harry...” Började jag smått snyftandes, men blev snabbt avbruten.
”Emma you need to listen. I can’t remember the address of the hotel, you need to come and get me.”
“Of course Harry where are you?!”
Svaret dröjde, jag pressade luren hårt mot örat, som om det skulle skynda på svaret. Jag hoppade till när han började prata igen.
”Dusty Mountain Square!”
”We’ll be there ASAP! Thank God you’re okay Harry don’t go anywhere!” Avslutade jag och la på. Jag slog mig själv i ansiktet på grund av min dumhet. Hade jag just sagt att han inte skulle gå någonstans?
”He’s at Dusty Mountain Square we need to go there NOW! Is it far?!”


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