Dreams are meant for sleeping - Del 101
I put my phone back in my pocket and brushed Emma’s hair out of her face.
”Everything’s gonna be okay love.” I assured.

I swept a finger along her cheek. Her skin was smooth and soft. A gathering of freckles showed on her nose and over both cheeks. I loved those light brown little dots. They had been induced by the sun during the summer, and they showed even more now than they had done a few months ago. The tip of my finger moved on and lingered on her lips. I bent down my head and kissed the perfectly pink lips of hers. Her chapstick tasted faintly of vanilla. A brown streak of hair had seeked its way back in her face and I had to sweep it away again.
”Don’t worry Em. Everything will be okay. Don’t you worry your pretty little mind.”
It seemed to take forever until the ambulance arrived. A light drizzle started falling from the night sky. It must be the first rain in weeks. The drops hit my face and slowly streamed down my cheeks, mixing with my already current tears. When they reached my lips I could taste the freshwater. The cold rain got in under my clothes and made me shiver involuntarily. The drizzle lightly landed on Emma as well and ran down along the sides of her face. I heard loud sirens cutting through the air. I sighed out of relief. The awful feeling of total hopelessness left my stomach for a minute.
”They’re here Em.”
The sirens got closer and I prepared to get Emma into the ambulance as fast as possible. She had been unconsious for about fifteen minutes now, and the worry was starting to tear me apart on the inside. Two man voices were chatting and footsteps got closer.
”Back here!” I shouted, as we weren’t visible from the driveway.
The two ambulance workers showed up around the corner with a white stretcher. They put it down on the ground and came over to me to help lift Emma up. One stood ready to carefully lift her bad and healty leg, the other by her back and waist and I was going to lift her head, neck and shoulders. On the count of three we got her off the ground and carefully layed her down on the stretcher. Emma was short and had like four feet of space to spare from her head to the edge of the stretcher. She looked tiny and defensless laying there, not moving a single muscle. The men grabbed one handle each and rose the stretcher off the ground. They carried it into the ambulance. I hopped in after and sat down on a white painted wooden stool next to Emma. I intertwined my fingers with hers and gently stroke her hand back and forth. I whispered encouraging words into her ear and prayed everything would be alright. The ambulance accelarated gradualy until we reached the highway. Then it was full speed ahead.
It didn’t take long at all until we got to the hospital. By now the white stone buildning seemed way to familiar than I wanted it too. I shivered from concern when I caught myself being able to tell which floor had what colour on their curtains. I didn’t even notice that the vehicle stopped. I woke up from thoughts when one of the men pulled the door open to take Emma inside the hospital. I let over the responsability to the proffesionals and waited until Emma was out of the ambulance. Then I jumped out and followed them inside. They took a special entrance so Emma could be carried up to a private room without being in the way of other, perhaps more acute cases. When we reached the room Emma was put down in bed. She had simply been layed there, so it was up to me to tuck her in and do the mandatory fluffing up of the pillow. The men were on their way out of the room again when I shouted after them.
”Hey! Now what?!”
”We can’t do anything else for you at the moment. The doctor’s on his way.”
I settled with the answer and let the workers leave without any further questioning. I pulled out a chair from the wall and placed it next to the bed. Water from the earlier drizzle dropped off the ends of my clothes and covered the floor in winding water tracks. You could tell the circles of worry I had been going in from the patterns of the raindrops on the blank polished floor. I started crying silently. I didn’t want to be alone, so I called Liam.
”Hello!” He answered happily.
I broke down in tears.
”Harry!” Liam sounded anxious with a slight jitter in his voice. His breathing got faster. I knew that meant he was about to have a panic attack.
”Liam...” I sobbed through the speaker. I wiped away a flood of tears which was about to drown the phone mic and make it stop working. ”You have to... The hospital...” My voice broke and I didn’t have the strength to continue the conversation. I kept the phone to my ear to be able to at least hear what Liam said.
”Harry what happened?!”
But I just cried. I cried and cried and cried, not a single word managed to leave my lips.
”Oh my god! We’re on our way!” Liam finished and hung up his end of the line. I put my feet up on the chair and buried my head against my knees. I sat like that for almost half an hour.