Dreams are meant for sleeping - Del 102
But I just cried. I cried and cried and cried, not a single word managed to leave my lips.
”Oh my god! We’re on our way!” Liam finished and hung up his end of the line. I put my feet up on the chair and buried my head against my knees. I sat like that for almost half an hour.
”Oh my god! We’re on our way!” Liam finished and hung up his end of the line. I put my feet up on the chair and buried my head against my knees. I sat like that for almost half an hour.

Liams perspektiv
Harry’s phonecall had me all in a fuss. What on earth had happened? Why was he back at the hospital? Stressed I put my phone back in my pocket and ran out to the others. First stop, the kitchen. A blonde head was faced away from me scanning the fridge.
”Niall!” I shouted and ran up to him. I took hold on both his shoulders to support myself. My legs were shaking from the panic.
”God Liam, what’s up with you?” Niall asked and put his arms under my shoulders to help me stand up straight.
”Harry’s back at the hosptial!” I gasped.
”Back at the hospital?!” Niall got so surprised he forgot to hold me up. I almost lost my balance. He noticed and put his arms back around me.
”We need to tell the others! Damn why do they have to be so spread out?!” Niall and I searched the house for the rest.
”LOOOUIS!” Niall yelled.
”Yes?” We heard Louis’ voice from the bathroom.
”Louis open up!” Both me and Niall pounded on the locked door.
”I’m in the shower dammit!” Louis answered back.
”Well you have to get out! Harry’s at the hospital and we need to go stat!” I screamed. Then I heard a loud thud and some swearing.
”Shit I’m coming out right away!” Louis answered. That was enough for me so Niall and I kept on looking through the apartment for Zayn and Vivi.
”Zayn?! Vivi?!” We yelled at the same time. No responses.
We passed a window and I spotted two dark haired heads on the lawn.
”Niall, they’re outside!” I poked on Niall’s shoulder and pointed out through the window.
”Come one lets hurry!”
We ran to the hall and put our shoes on as fast as we could. I saw Louis come out of the bathroom all wet with only a towel around his waist.
”Louis, you’re not ready at all!”
”I’ll be quick I promise!” He said as he disappeard into his room. ”I left my clothes in my room and I can’t go to the hospital in only a towel now can I?”
I sighed. ”Fine but we’re heading outside in the meantime to get Zayn and Vivi! Meet us at the car. And hurry or we’ll leave without you.”
I heard Louis laugh.
”And exactly how would that happen? Who’s car is it? Who has the keys hmm?”
Right, I didn’t think of that.
I didn’t bother to answer. I followed Niall out through the door. Together we ran down the stairs as fast as we could and flew out through the entrance door.
”HEY!” Niall waved frenetically to catch their attention. Zayn and Vivi didn’t get the seriousness of it all, so they just casually waved back all smiling. We had to run up to them. They were sitting opposite each other on the grass and laughed carefree. I felt bad we had to take away their good mood.
”Harry’s at the hospital and we need to hurry come on lets go get up and lets get moving!” I said all in one sentence. I gestured at them to get up. Anxiousness spread along their faces. Vivi looked upset and took Zayn’s hand. Her lips trembled.
”What happened?” Her voice sounded sad. Zayn squeezed her hand back in an attempt to make her feel better.
”We don’t know yet. All we know is that we have to get to the hospital fast.”
Vivi nodded. Zayn put his arm around her and started leading her towards the parking house. Niall and I followed. We were halfway there when I heard rapid footsteps behind us.
”Come on!” Louis cheered on and made us all run. We got to the car within minutes. Louis clicked and the car unlocked. When Louis hopped in on his seat he groaned painfully.
”My bum hurts.” Louis complained. ”I fell in the shower, I think I have a bruise already.”
He put the key in and twisted. The car engine growled loudly. We drove out on the road and with a pace a pretty good bit over the speed limit we were on our way to the hospital.
”Louis watch it!” I screamed when an old lady with a walker crossed the street. Louis was stressed and didn’t really look were he drove. He hit the brakes and everyone in the car flew into the seat in front of us. I heard Zayn moan in the back seat. I’m guessing he bumped his head.
”Are you okay?” I heard Vivi ask.
I took a look in the rearview mirror and saw Vivi gently massaging Zayn’s forehead. Questioning I rose my eyebrows at her. She gave me a little thumbs up to show it was fine. Reassured I turned my head back to Louis. His arms were so stiff on the steering wheel he looked like he was holding on to his life. I think the gravity of the situation had finally caught up with him.