Dreams are meant for sleeping - Del 103

”Louis...?” I lighly patted him on the arm. ”Are you okay?”
”Me? I’m perfect why wouldn’t I be?” Louis talked so fast I knew he wasn’t alright at all. He always got all tense and really fast speaking when he was worried. An anxious Louis could be sensed from miles away.
”Take a deep breath Louis. We’re at the hospital soon. You’ll get to hold Harry within minutes I promise.”
I knew he was terrified something bad had happened to Harry. They were so close they could be twins with telepatic communication abilities.
”Okay. Okay...” Louis breathed heavily as he repeated the word to himself. ”Okay...”
The red lights slowed us down. At last I could spot the big blue letters that spelled Curvy Hills Hospital. Louis turned in on the lot and did a terrbile parking. But he didn’t seem to care because right after he had stopped the car (which was parked half part outside the parking square) he jumped out, slammed the door and was the first one to run inside the hospital. But the rest of us weren’t far behind.
”What’s the room number?!” Louis yelled when he came up to the desk. He supported himself on the cream white counter and panted rapidly from the run. His ribcage was still pounding from the fast breathing.
”I need a name too.” The nurse said politely and chuckled.
”Oh, right!” Louis hit himself in the forehead. ”Harry Styles!”
”Let me check.” The nurse answered and made a few clicks on her computer. Impatiently we held our breathes in anxiety. Her eyes scanned the whole database up and down, from side to side, and I’m pretty sure she did it twice.
”No I’m sorry we don’t have a patient with that name here.”
”What?!” We exclamied at the same time. But Harry must be at this hospital! The second nearest one was several miles away. Then it hit me. Like a slap in the face.
”Maybe it’s not Harry who’s the patient! What about someone with the last name Sand? Do you have on of them admitted here? Anton perhaps?”
”I’ll check again.” The nurse nodded. Louis was so nervous he had started biting off the tips of his nails. I took his hand and slowly put it down away from his mouth. Louis looked at me with surprise, then looked down on his hands and noticed the nail biting.
”I don’t find an Anton Sand. We have one Sand though. Does Emma Sand ring a bell?”
I choked on thin air and started coughing. Emma? If any Sand would have been admitted here in the hospital I thought it would be Anton considering the whole diabetes thing. I hadn’t even given the fact that it might be Emma any thought at all. Everyone stood like paralyzed.
”Yes! Yes!” Vivi finally managed to say. The rest of us snapped out of the chock and nodded in agreement.
”Room number 314.” The nurse pointed to her left towards an elevator.
”Thank you!” I waved as we started moving. The nurse just smiled. I think she thought we were a bit confused and not exactly all clear in the heads.
The elevator took ages. We could use some of Nialler’s Irish luck, but it seemed to have left us for the moment. The elevator stopped on every single floor, and staff and equipment were exchanged every time the elevator doors opened. And let me just say they weren’t very fast moving. More like the complete opposite. They didn’t seem to have any rush to get to their other patients. I kept my irritation to myself, but both Louis and Niall sighed loudly. At last we arrived to floor three. The doors opened up and Louis was, again, the first one out. By the time the rest of us spotted the right room Louis was already out of sight. Probably already inside with Harry. I heard distant sobs. They must be Harry’s, who else? I could feel my heart breaking. I couldn’t stand people crying.
”Harry!” I shouted as I reached the door opening.
Louis stood with his arms tightly wrapped around him. His head was resting against Louis’ chest, slowly drowning Louis’ blue shirt.
”Harry...” I mumbled and walked up to him.
Louis let me take over. Carefully he loosened Harry out of his grip. I put my arms around him and he started crying even more. Harry was dripping from water and his hair fell in wet streaks over his face.
”It’s okay Harry. It’s okay...”
I patted his head desperatly trying to calm him down. But he was destroyed. The sound of his crying made my heart shatter and the never ending stream of tears just kept coming. I could easily be mistaken for a soaked towel.
”Harry please, breathe.”
Kan man nå minst 10 kommentarer? Eller lets go hard, haha kan man få 15?! Nu vill jag veta vad ni tycker :)) Haha detta kommer inte gå men don't blame me for trying ;)
Åååhhhhh det blir ju bara mer och mer spännande, snälla kan nästa del komma ikväll? :( Då skulle jag bli världens gladaste typ, haha :D
Super bra! Finner inga ord, men jag blev lite sårad :( vet du vrf? Jo, jag skrev en lång kommentar men fick inget svar :'( (På en annan del) Och som Nathalie skrev: Kan nästa del komma ikväll? Pleeasse ? :D
åh, det är skitbra! Gillar varenda del du skriver!
Sååå bra!!! Älskar den verkligen. Sitter inne och läser din novell medans det är as fint väder ute, men den är så bra!!!!
Du skriver sååå sjukt bra!!! Jag älskar verkligen din novell!1!!!!
SKIIIIIT BRAAA!! Asså din engelska!! Har du bott i England/USA eller? Men ibland finns det ord som jag bara måste översätta, tänk dig din engelska är sjukt bra så att det finns ord som jag aldrig hört. Men din novell är bara UNDERBAAAAAAAR, finner inga ord för den. :DD
Internetmarrige! Du och jag! Bästa novellen! :D Fattar inte hur man kan vara en sån bra novellförfattare som du! Läst ALLA delar och är fortfarande lika beroende. Du är mitt beroende, nästan lite som nikotin för vissa :P !
Kram och du är underbar, bäst och hela universum tycker du är bäst!
UNDERBAAAAR!!! Men ärligt hur tusan lyckas du skriva så himla bra? 103 delar och inte en enda tråkig sekund! Om du inte blir en världsberömd författare, typ större än J.K Rowling, så vet jag inte vad jag gör. Så. Himla. Bäst.
Det här var typ det finaste jag läst på länge, så himla braa. Jag sitter här och gråter för jag är så inne i vad som händer. Du är så sjukt duktig Anna!!