Dreams are meant for sleeping - Del 104
The sound of his crying made my heart shatter and the never ending stream of tears just kept coming. I could easily be mistaken for a soaked towel.
”Harry please, breathe.”

Harry started hyperventilating, like the way you do when you try to stop the tears. He wiped his eyes, but the arm of his shirt became dripping wet right away. I gave him a hand and swiped my arm over his moist face. He whispered a barerly hearable thank you and tried to smile a little for me. It didn’t work though, I couldn’t even distinguish his dimples. And they always showed when he was smiling for real.
”What happened?” I asked carefully. I felt a knock on my shoulder and found Louis behind me. His eyes were concerned. He nodded towards the middle of the room.
I stopped breathing. I had been so busy with comforting Harry I hadn’t even noticed. Her eyes were closed and she looked like she was sleeping. But I discerned scratches in her face and her left leg was twisted in a really weird angle.
”Oh my god.” I put my hand over my mouth. Harry, who had just got himself together, broke down in tears for the second time. I held him tight and started the comforting process all over again.
”The... The doctor hasn’t even come yet.” Harry sobbed.
”How long have you been here?”
”Almost half an hour.”
”And the doctor isn’t even here yet!? This is unacceptable!” Louis protested. ”I’ll go find him and bring his ass over here right now!”
Louis stormed out of the room. Niall didn’t want him to go alone so he followed. Zayn, Vivi and I stayed with Harry. All four of us sat down on the end of the bed with Harry in the middle. Harry leaned his head on my shoulder. His eyes were red from all the crying, but for now he had stopped. Now he just sat there. Every muscle in his entire body were relaxed and his head felt really heavy because he didn’t support it himself at all. I didn’t mind though. Vivi was sat on the other side of Harry, and she in her order rested her head easily on Harry’s shoulder. I twitched when Louis came in running with Niall right behind.
”The doctor’s here!” He announced proudly.
A brown haired man in his thirties dropped in as well with a light blue notepad in his right hand. I discovered he was also holding a silver pen in the same hand.
”Hi.” The doctor greeted. No one answered. We were too tense to get our mouths to form words. The doctor coughed a little and continued.
”Ms. Sand needs an examination to see if there’s anything wrong.”
If something’s wrong? IF? Has he not seen the angle of her leg?! But I kept quiet and let him finish.
”Then we’ll let you know and come up with a healing plan in case needed.” The doctor informed. Five pair of eyes were staring at him, impatiently waiting for his next announcement. Harry’s eyes were glued to the floor. He still hadn’t managed to move at all.
”I’m going to take Ms. Sand with me to the x-ray.”
We had to get up from the bed, as it had wheels and was able to roll. Harry didn’t rise up by himself. I had to take him under his arms and lift him up so the doctor could roll the bed out of the room. We watched Emma disappear and then we were back to the impatient waiting.
The x-ray went fast and Emma was back in less then fifteen minutes. Still unconsious though. That was what worried me the most. The fact that she didn’t wake up. Why wouldn’t she wake up? She had hurt her leg, not her head? Because head injuries is the main cause for unconsiouness, right? That’s what I had always thought. The doctor had a few difficulties to put the bed in place, but managed and prepared to share the news. He hesitated for a second, lit up in a slight smile and caught a quick glance down on his notepad.
”Miraculously her leg is not broken. It doesn’t look good by the angle I know, but it’s actually just dislocated. We can push it back and she’ll be up walking in no time.”
”That’s great!” I shouted excited. ”Isn’t it Harry?!”
But Harry were still in chock. I flicked him on the cheeck.
”Yeah yeah.” He responded distracted. He gazed distant right into a wall. Then he walked over to Emma and sat down on the bed next to her. I took it as he wanted to be alone. I discretly whispered to the others that we maybe should leave for a moment.