Dreams are meant for sleeping - Del 105
He walked over to Emma and sat down on the bed next to her. I took it as he wanted to be alone. I discretly whispered to the others that we maybe should leave for a moment.

Harrys perspektiv
What the doctor had said was making its way into my head. She’d be just fine, her leg was dislocated and easy to fix. Deep breaths Harry, everything’s okay. She’d be up on her feet in no time the doctor said. But why was she still unconsious? The unconsiousness was the thing that really had me in an awful worry. I tried to push the horrible thougts away, but they were eating me up from the inside. What if she didn’t wake up? No you can’t think that way Harry, god.
I gave her a kiss on the forehead and smiled encouraging, even though she couldn’t see me. Her pillow had gone flat, maybe I should puff it up. I lifted her head and pulled the pillow out. The sight made me stop breathing. Like paralyzed I held the pillow high up in the air, as the red liquid ran down and dripped of the ends onto the floor. I stood with both feet right in the puddle. I wanted to move, to speak, simply being able to say something. But no, my body refused to do anything because of the chock. Finally my fingers seemed to start moving. I crooked them a bit back and forth to regain the sensibility fully in order to then move on the other body parts.
”L-Liam...” I whispered quietly. He didn’t hear me, or else he would have come running. I tried again.
”Liam?” My voice got a little louder. But no Liam was to be seen anywhere now either.
I gave up on trying to call his name, apperantly he couldn’t hear me and my voice was not to count on at the moment. With a little help from my arms I made my leg and foot take a step towards the door. It didn’t move very far, but it was always a start. After a few steps more I was able to move me legs without any help. I stumbled slowly and reached the door. It took all strength I had to tug it open.
”Harry what’s wrong? You’re crying again!” Liam said when he saw me. He came up to me and wiped away my tears – again.
Liam caught a glance at the pillow I was holding in my right hand.
”Oh my god!” He exclamied. The rest of the gang, who were sat on a bench a few feet away, came up to us as well. Liam took the pillow out of my hand and turned to the others.
”Find the doctor!”
Liam followed me back into the room and walked over to Emma. He checked the back of her head, which I hadn’t been able to do. I could tell by the look on his face it didn’t look good.
”Didn’t you say you arrived like half an hour before we came?” Liam turned to me and waited for my answer.
”Yes. Yes I did.” I mumbled chocked.
”We’ve been here an hour now and all together Emma has been her approximatly an hour and a half.”
”Yeah?” My lips started to tremble. Where was he going with this?
”Harry, when Emma hurt her leg, did she by any chance hit her head too?”
I closed my eyes hard and tried to remember. The whole scene seemed to have disappeared from my memory.
Yes she had. She had hit her head. In the back of an axe.
”She did.” I whispered.
You should have seen the look on Liam’s face.
”Harry... It hasn’t stopped bleeding.”
Just as he said that last sentence Louis, Niall, Zayn and Vivi stormed in with the doctor.
”It hasn’t stopped bleeding!” Liam repeated himself.
”Bleeding? What bleeding?” The doctor looked surprised.
”The bleeding from the cut in the back of her head!” Liam yelled.
”She has a... What?” The doctor sounded sincererly confounded. Anxiously he scrathed the back of his head.
”Look!” Liam waved at him to come. He carefully held Emma’s head up so the doctor could take a look. His eyes went from normal to the size of two fotballs.
”How can you have missed that?!” Liam accused the doctor.
”I-I don’t know.” He stuttered.
”Didn’t you take her for an x-ray? How did you get her into the x-ray without notcing all the blood?!”
”We never lifted her head off the pillow.”
”Well you should have! Because this doesn’t look very good!”
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