Dreams are meant for sleeping - Del 106
How did you get her into the x-ray without notcing all the blood?!”
”We never lifted her head off the pillow.”
”Well you should have! Because this doesn’t look very good!”
”We never lifted her head off the pillow.”
”Well you should have! Because this doesn’t look very good!”

Liam was so upset he had to sit down. Liam rarely got this upset, but when he did it was always a cover up for the fear he actually felt. He wasn’t aware he did, but it worked as a sheild to hide his vulnerability. I sat down next to him. I was incapable of crying. It seemed like nothing of this actually sunk into my head. It all felt like a distant dream. It hadn’t hit me this was happening for real yet. And I prayed it never would.
”Let me have a look.” The doctor said and took a step closer. He swept away Emma’s hair so he could see properly. She had a lot, and it took him a moment to sweep it all away. His forehead wrinkled. Did he have to look so worried? It gave me the creeps. It can’t be that bad. It can’t.
”She seems to have busted open a big blood artery in the back of her head.” His face lightened up. ”Luckily, her brain is fine. It’s just a flesh wound with a lot of blood, and that’s why it looks so bad. Can anyone tell me how this happened?”
The doctor turned his head and scanned the room. Oh my god what a relief. It wasn’t as terrible as it appeared. I breathed in, I breathed out and prepared myself to tell the story.
”We were up on a roof and were in a hurry to get down. Emma sat down on the edge and I think she rushed a bit too much. She flew over the edge and with a thud she hit the ground below. When I saw her again right after she landed she was holding on to her leg and I could tell by the look of her face she was in pain. She couldn’t stand up...” The incident popped up as an imagine before my eyes. The flashback made me shiver. I felt my upper arms getting goose bumps.
”She fell and hit her head against an axe handle.” I made an effort to swallow the tears and keep myself together. I managed pretty well to be honest. I didn’t seem to have any left. Was it pride I felt? God dammit Harry.
”She did what?!” Niall gasped. He grabbed his hair to keep his hands occupied and his eyes went everywhere. I could see he was about to have a breakdown. ”An axe?!”
”Yes but she hit the handle not the blade!” I desperatly tried to calm him down. But Niall was shaking.
”What if she had hit the blade... She could have hit the blade...” Niall mumbled to himself over and over again. I gave him a tight hug in an attempt to comfort him.
”But she didn’t Niall.”
Niall tried to catch his breath. After he finished hyperventilating he pretty much managed to keep himself together.
”You’re right she didn’t.” He repeated.
”This needs to be stitched.” The doctor said and looked at us. Then he turned back his head and mumbled with concern. ”Why hasn’t it stopped bleeding...”
I was this close to hitting him in the face. Weren’t doctors supposed to NOT make you even more worried than you aldreay were? I wasn’t far away from falling apart.
Well Emma was taken to the emergency room because that’s where they kept the stitching instruments. I didn’t come with because I knew I wouldn’t stand seeing her getting a needle into her head. That was just too much for me to handle. Watching her as she split her head open against an axe was enough. Okay maybe I’m exaggerating a tad. But that was what it felt like. The rest of the gang did follow, and left me alone in the waiting room outside. I didn’t mind though. I sat alone on a bench and let my thoughts careless wander away. The stitching procedure went quick, because Zayn’s head popped out of the room not long after they had gone in.
”It’s done!” He informed happily.
”How does it look?” I asked worried. Unconsiously I lifted my hand up to my mouth and chewed on my ringfinger nail.
”Why don’t you come in and see for yourself?”
Zayn waved at me entusiastically and disappeared back into the room. I sighed at him and laughed a bit, and then went in myself. Zayn’s smiling face had made me relax and it felt like a heavy rock had been dropped of my chest. It was like I had held my breath this entire time and finally I got to exhale.
Just as I passed through the door every head in the room turned to me. The song lyric from What Makes You Beautiful immidiatly sang through my head. I chuckled. Then I started to wonder why they were all looking at me like that.
”I didn’t kill anyone I swear.” I joked and put my hands up. Then I noticed.
”Hi Harry.”