Dreams are meant for sleeping - Del 155

”We’ve known each other for three months and 24 days, and I already know I will never fall in love with someone like I’ve fallen in love with you. Your smile, your eyes, the way you kiss me at the most random times. How you drop everything just to be there for me when I need you. No one has ever done that for me before. The way you put me to bed, even though I’m protesting, because you know I’m tired. Even when I don’t know I’m tired. You know me better than myself. How that happened I have no clue. Other people aren’t supposed to tell how you feel better than you do yourself, right? But somehow, you do. You’ve nestled into my head.
That day I ran you over with my bike, that’s my favourite day. It wasn’t back then, because I thought I had made a fool out of myself infront of a really attractive British boy. But I told myself it was okay, I would never see this guy again. Then I sat down in your lap on the tube. And we met again.
At first I thought we wouldn’t last. I’ve never had any luck when it comes to love. A summer fling, a two month romance was the best I was hoping for. Because I know guys never stick around with me.
”But I did.” Inflikade Harry med ett snett leende
”You did. I love you with everything I have. I wish I could shrink you down and carry you around in my pocket, because I want you with me wherever I go.”
Jag avslutade och svalde för att hindra gråten som var på väg att bryta fram. In än, inte än.
”My turn.” Harry tittade ner i marken och andades snabbt några gånger. Hans bröstkorg bankade genom skjortan. Varför var han så nervös? Det var ju bara jag.
”I tried to write my vows down, but I couldn’t find a way to put my feelings for you into words. How do you do that? They go way deeper than the thickness of a piece of paper.
Since the band started to become successful I was worried I’d never find a girl I could be sure liked me for me, and not because of what I’m a part of. But instantly I knew you had no clue who I was, and I took advantage of that. I shouldn’t have, because it led to a fight later on. But we made it through. Just like we always do.
I have never loved someone as much as I love you. The freckles in your face, the way you smile when you get excited, the sound of your laugh from the other room. How you every night snuggle up closer to me in your sleep, and when you wake up you have no memory of it what so ever.
You’re so hypnotizing, you make me laugh while I’m in the middle of a sentence. I can’t help but falling even harder for you by every day that passes. All the time I discover new sides of you I haven’t seen before. Seeing you in tears breaks my heart in pieces. I can’t stand it, it hurts too bad. I was enchanted to meet you, things like this doesn’t come across often in life. I love you so much it almost makes me dizzy. Maybe I’m love sick, I don’t know. But what I do know is that I just wanna be with you. Until time tears us apart. You know what I did the other day? A purple butterfly was soaring a few feet infront of me. I caught it in my hands, whispered that all I want is every day when I wake up, is for you to lie there next to me. For us to last forever. Then I counted to three and let go.”
Tårarna hade en tävling om vem som kunde rinna ner och slå i marken framför mina fötter först. Han kom ihåg drömmen. Tur att Vivi övertalat mig att ta vattenfast mascara. Harry såg förtvivlad ut och försökte torka mina kinder med armen på sin kavaj. Men jag stoppade honom innan han hann skrynkla ner sin jackärm. Mitt i allt kände jag hur näsan kittlade. Jag gav ifrån mig en ljudlig nysning. Det fick mig att börja skratta, och Harry med. Till och med prästen kunde jag höra småskrocka för sig själv. Han hostade till för att påkalla allas uppmärksamhet.
”Do you Harry Styles, take Emma Sand to be your beloved wife in sickness and in health, and to love her always?”
”I do.” Harry log stort. Han såg överlycklig ut. De vita tänderna gnistrade ikapp med hans ögon.
”Do you Emma Sand, take Harry Styles to be your beloved husband in sickness and in health, and to love him always?”
Jag tog ett par sekunder på mig att svara. Jag kunde inte sluta betrakta Harrys ansikte.
”I do.”
Gud Gud guuuuuud du äger faan😱😱❤
asså seriöst du är så SJUKT bra på att skriva!! älskar din novell!! LÄNGTAR tills nästa del!! :D
KRAM <3<3
Sitter här med världens leende! Helt fantastiskt <3 SÅ grym!! SNÄÄÄÄÄLLLLAAAA säg att detta inte var den sista delen D: <3