Little things
Dreams are meant for sleeping - Del 152
Victoria was buzzing and I had to make her come back down to earth by waving in front of her face to catch her easily lost focus.
”The wedding means I kind of need to fly back to England.”
”Oh.” Victoria’s arms stopped being tense in a way that made me feel like she was giving up on us.
”Stop it. I’m not saying goodbye.” I whispered.
”You’re not? Because it sounds like it.”
”No. I’m asking you to come with me.”

"You’re what?” Victoria dropped her jaw and gazed at me.
”Come with me! Be my date for the wedding. I’m not asking you to move in with me.” I chuckled nervously.
”Oh.” She laughed. ”But how do I get my parents to let me go with you?”
”We’ll talk to them.” I smiled and gave her a cuddle hugging her around her shoulders. For the first time she finally relaxed during the whole conversation. She let her head rest on my shoulder and squinted towards the street where only a pair of yellow maple leaves soared over the sidewalk. It will work out. I can be a pretty good convincer. I just hoped Victoria’s parents weren’t the very overprotective kind, because in that case it could be tricky.
”The wedding’s tomorrow Harry!” Jag vankade nervöst fram och tillbaka i rummet. Snart skulle det bildas en fåra i golvet av mitt ändlösa strövande. Det hade nog pågått i minst tio minuter nu.
”He’ll come! I know he will. I can feel it.” Harry reste sig upp från sängen där han legat och betraktat min ängsliga gång. I en enda stor omfamning befann jag mig i hans trygga armar.
”I’m falling apart.” Viskade jag i hans bröst och lutade min kind mot stället där hans hjärta satt. Det dunkade rytmiskt men kraftigt. Ljudet av hans hjärtslag hade en lugnande effekt på mig. Det funkade bättre än vilken morfinspruta i världen.
”He’ll come home. He’ll come...” Harry klappade mig på huvudet och upprepade samma två ord gång på gång. ”He’ll come.” Hans mjuka hand strök mig försiktigt över håret och ner över ryggen. Jag blundade och föreställde mig vad Niall kunde tänkas göra just nu.
Lördag eftermiddag och Niall var fortfarande inte hemma. Antingen ignorerade han alla våra telefonsamtal med flit, eller så hade han inte ett öre kvar att ringa för. Jag hoppades på alternativ nummer två. Om han inte kommer hem snart vet jag inte vad jag gör. Niall måste vara här när jag och Harry ska ta samma efternamn. Jag kunde inte tänka mig att han inte skulle vara här. Han sa att han skulle komma tillbaka i tid! Om bröllopet var ett maskineri, var Niall ett av kugghjulen och utan alla delar funkar det inte. Så enkelt är det bara. Svart på vitt.
Plötsligt ringde dörrklockan. Hela min kropp stelnade till som ståltråd och huvudet vändes blixtsnabbt mot hållet ljudet kommit ifrån. Tre sekunder hann nog passera innan jag återfick handlingsförmågan och ryckte mig lös ur Harrys armar. Jag störtade mot halldörren och fumlade med låset. Jag blev irriterad på mig själv för att jag inte kunde få upp ett enkelt dörrlås. Det klickade till och porten var öppen. Jag sköt upp dörren och möttes av ett saknat ansikte med blond rufs upptill. Hans mun drog upp i ett leende och ögonen glittrade blågröna.
Utan att tänka mig för kastade jag mig på honom så hårt att han nästan trillade baklänges. Han stapplade några steg men återfick balansen precis innan han ramlade på en tjej jag aldrig sett tidigare i hela mitt liv. Ändå låg det något slags bekant skimmer över henne, som om vi redan kände varandra på nåt plan.
”Victoria...?” Frågade jag osäkert samtidigt som jag släppte mitt grepp om Nialls hals. Långsamt klev jag fram till henne och kisade med ögonen, som för att dubbelkolla efter detaljer som kunde bekräfta att detta var tjejen Niall berättat om. Hon hade mörkt bruna ögon som man enkelt kunde tappa bort sig i. Det var nästan allt jag behövde för att vara säker.
”I’m Victoria.” Log hon blygt och drog över allt sitt långa hår på en sida om huvudet. Det var lätt vågigt, precis som mitt. Men hennes var mörkare och en bit längre.
”It’s her!” Viskade Niall upphetsad i mitt öra när jag gick förbi han för att hälsa ordentligt på Victoria. Jag sprack upp i ett leende som fick Victoria att undra vad det var som var så kul. Jag skakade roat på huvudet. Tonen i hans röst honom att låta som om att nyss vunnit en miljon på lotteriet. Jag var bara så glad att Niall hittat sin tjej och helt otroligt nog lyckats övertala henne att följa med honom hela vägen till England. Det var mer än jag åstadkommit under hela mitt 17 år långa liv. Jag återgick till Niall.
Dreams are meant for sleeping - Del 151
To feel her lips against mine was something I can only describe as heaven. They were soft and gentle, with a subtle taste of cherry. I closed my eyes and responded to her kiss, and the kiss went on for almost an entire minute. I pinched myself in the a bit sunburnt skin on my arm to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Stupidly enough I had forgotten to bring sunscreen with me, and I’ve been sitting out in the sunshine waiting for Victoria all day so I guess I had it coming. It stinged. I packed hairwax, but sun protection I forgot. My arm hurt when I pinched it and I almost screeched. But it was a good pain. It meant this wasn’t a scene made up in my head, a hallucination like so many times before. Back home, I had woke up nearly every night only to discover I had a recurring dream that I actually met Victoria again. But I realized it was only long lived fantasies. Until today.
”What does this mean?” I asked when the kissed stopped. I could feel a blushing attack coming. Not now not now, worst timing. I wanted to bury my burning face in a garbage can.
”It means there’s nobody else on my mind, and that you don’t have to worry about how you should have kissed me anymore.” She smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek. Which now were a pure colour of bright red. I sighed loudly, and she noticed.
”You’re so cute when you’re blushing.” She chuckled.
”Well.” I shook it off, no I wasn’t.
”I-” I interrupted myself and stared at the ground. Oh my god.
”You...?” Victoria asked questioning. She gave me a wondering look.
Crap. How do I save myself out of this situation?
”I...’ve missed you!” My pitch went higher as I nervously finished that very quickly made up sentence. Wow. I had been this close to telling her ’I love you’, and it’s way too soon for that. She’d probably freak out and discretly wave off my words, to then walk away and say ”I’ll call you” but never do.
”I’ve missed you loads.” She smiled. ”Honestly. I haven’t been able to even look at another guy for the entire summer.”
Just as my first blush had gone down, these words made it come right back like a boomerang.
”Same.” I replied. That couldn’t have been more unpersonal. I fought the urge to facepalm. During this one minute conversation I had already embarrassed myself twice.
”Victoria, listen...” I started and took her hands, rubbing the top of them gently. I could feel a subtle tremble in them. I made her nervous about what I was about to say. That’s so cute. No wait it’s not. I don’t want to make her nervous.
”Stop shaking. I’m not about to tell you dying.” I giggled. She laughed and pulled herself together.
”You know about One Direction, so you mean who Harry is?”
Victoria nodded.
”You know when we were sitting on the beach, and Liam came running like a mad man?”
”Yeah, your friend was missing!” She yelled out loud. ”You found her right? Please tell me you found her.”
”We did.” I assured her. I felt her exhaling in relief.
”Back to what I was saying. The friend who dissaperad that night’s name is Emma. She and Harry are getting married this Sunday-”
”Are they getting married?!” Victoria exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hands in excitement. ”That’s amazing!”
"I know I’m so happy for them.” I agreed happily. Victoria was buzzing and I had to make her come back down to earth by waving in front of her face to catch her easily lost focus.
”The wedding means I kind of need to fly back to England.”
”Oh.” Victoria’s arms stopped being tense in a way that made me feel like she was giving up on us.
”Stop it. I’m not saying goodbye.” I whispered.
”You’re not? Because it sounds like it.”
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”I’m here.” I responded and put my Raybans down in my left pocket. I took the hand she was using to caress my cheek.
”I can’t believe this. I actually can’t. All the way from England?”
I took a step closer to her. She was pretty short, which was to my advantage thanks to my genes who stopped my from getting taller as early as the age of 14, where I had only gotten to 5,7 feet, making me the shortest out of all other guys in my grade. But Victoria was about two inches closer to the ground than I was, which made me be able to turn my head a bit down to met here eyes without looking stupid. I had thrown my guitar on my back so it wouldn’t be in the way.
"All the way from my messy lonely room in London." I smiled and squeezed her hand gently.
Victoria didn't say a single word for several seconds. I started to get worried. I waved in front of her eyes to wake her up from the trance she seemed to be stuck in.
"Oh." She snapped out and shoke her head. "Sorry." She chuckled nervously.
"It's just. Oh my god I think I have to sit down." Victoria put her free hand on her forehead and quickly I lead her to a wooden bar a few feet behind us. Victoria took a seat, crossed her legs and dragged me down next to her. I landed with a thud as I was unprepared for the pull.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, stroking a streak of hair behind her ear. Either the ground was very interesting, or she was to shy to look me in the eyes while asking.
"I'm here to tell you something I've been carrying with me as a heavy load ever since I was here the last time."
Now she turned her head up and her eyes got very big. She looked like a complete question mark.
"I'm here to do this." I said and got up from the wooden bar. The guitar I had have thrown over my back would no longer get to hang there by itself. It was time for action.
"What are you-" Victoria went silent when I put my hand up as a stop sign.
"Just let me do this without questions, please?"
She nodded.
At this point my heart was jumping up and down and running around like a little kid on the playground on the inside of my chest. Dammit Niall. It's just a song, you've done this thousand times before. It’s not like it’s a first.
Well, that's not true. I've never sung a song to a girl about all the things I think of when she pops into my mind. I've never flown over an entire ocean to tell someone I loved them. I’ve never done something this impulsive in my entire life. And I've never felt this way about a girl before.
I started playing carefully on the guitar strings, getting into the rhythm. The more secure I felt, the louder I played. Eventually after almsot half a minute of only intrumental had passed, I began to sing.
I should I should oh I should’ve kissed you.
I should I should oh I should’ve kissed you.
I didn’t dare to look up and see Victoria’s face until the second chorus. She was smiling. Not like a wide smile, but a wryrly very cute one. I almost burst out in laughter because I was so relieved she didn’t have a weird ’you’re-an-idiot’ expression on her face but I managed to keep it in and just let out a little giggle, to not interrupt my singing. When I dragged out on the last word of the song in a long, fading note I noticed her eyes were shiny. She quickly wiped them before she got up on her feet, stepped towards me and rose her head. Before she wrapped her arms around my neck in a quick motion pulling me closer and kissed me.

Dreams are meant for sleeping - Del 149
You never really can fix a heart, but you can glue, tape, whatever works for ya, the pieces and hope it doesn’t fall back apart.
It was only 8:45 pm but I felt as tired as a bag of potato chips.
Wow that didn’t even make sense.
Goodnight world.

I had never liked going to school, but this was a whole new experience. The school ground was empty on studients but I was more terrified than I’ve ever been before. Somewhere inside those fair yellow walls,Victoria had no idea I was standing right outside with my guitar around my neck. I was scared out of my mind. What if she didn’t even remember me? Or what if she had found somebody else. Or simply didn’t care about me anymore, perhaps never did. I took a step inside the gates and exhaled. Pebbles crumbled under my shoes and the building seemed three times bigger, even though I had only moved about a feet closer to it. I made up my mind. I was going to do this.
No, I can’t enter in the middle of class and start singing. That’s just mad. Maybe if I sit outside and wait for her to come out, I can grab her quick. But where? Pretty pointless if I sit somewhere deserted where no one passes and miss her. I saw a flat stone on the left of the entrance, not in front of it but a bit behind to the side with view over the people coming out of the school. Perfect. That would have to be my spot. I jogged over, hopped up on the rock and studied the school and the school ground. I noticed another possible entrance, which she could come out from. But I saw that pretty clear too so that’s okay. It would be pretty hard to miss her from this point. I put up my legs in a crossed position and played a little on the guitar strings. No harm in singing through the song a couple more times. I was pretty calm and thought, maybe it’s not so scary. Then the crowd of people started rushing out of the school.
Did everyone finish school at the exact same time or what the hell was going on? The amount of youngsters buzzing from the joy of ending their classes for the day was ridiculous, I almost felt overwhelmed. How was I supposed to find Victoria in this mess? I didn’t feel like cleaning.
”Niall Horan?!” A girl’s voice said surprised. I turned around, still sitting on top of the flat rock.
I looked at a girl I had never seen before. She had the biggest smile across her face and I had the feeling she was about to burst any minute.
”A-a-are you Niall Horan?” She stuttered and reached out a hand like she was about to touch me to see if I was real. I leaned a bit back and she got the hint. Her hand sank down and instead her eyes widened.
”My name is Niall yes.” I replied.
”You’re from that band. I’ve seen your video. Oh my god.” She snapped her fingers and tried to remember something.
”One Direction!”
”Ssch!” I hushed at her. If one person at this school knew who I was there was a big chance others did too. The last thing I wanted to do was draw attention to myself.
”Oh!” She chuckled. ”I’m sorry but can I have a picture?”
Right when I was about to answer I spotted someone very familiar. I was this close to scream her name out loud, but stopped myself last second.
”Yes, but hurry. I need to go.” I smiled and waved her closer to me. She lit up, pulled out her phone and stood next to me.
”Can I have a kiss on the cheek?”
I kissed her cheek, which I felt got more tense because she smiled.
”Thank you!” She said and stepped away from me.
”No problem.”
She stared at me for a moment. I rose my eyebrows questioning.
”Didn’t you say you had to go?”
”Right!” I skipped of the rock and started running.
”Bye!” I heard her shout as I left at a speed that could beat a race car. I held my guitar close to my chest so it wouldn’t break. I ducked under a branch, sprinted and caught up with her at the bus stop.
”Vic...toria.” I gasped and held one hand on her shoulder and one hand on my pounding ribcage to make it calm down. Chocked she turned around. She opened her mouth but I was faster.
”Ssch!” I hushed for the second time in a time span of less than five minutes. She realized what mistake she had been close to making and didn’t say anything. But her big brown eyes gazed at me.
”Come.” I took her hand and dragged her with me away from her friends who hadn’t noticed me coming running. I was praying no one else would notice who I was and follow us or something. We came to an empty parkinglot a bit away from the school, and finally I got to catch my breath from running around so much. I was not used to this much cardio exercise. I had been hanging at the beach, in the studio and laying upside down in the sofa eating junk food all summer.